Volume-2: Issue-1 (Jul-Aug, 2018)
- Influence of Gravel Beds on Erosion of Sand by Submerged Jets
- Amir S Ibraheem, Tarek H Nasrallah, Fahmy S Abdelhaleem, Mohamed E Basiouny
- Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018; 2(1):37-44
- [Full Article PDF] (272 downloads)
- Influence of Gravel Beds on Erosion of Sand by Submerged Jets
- Amir S Ibraheem, Tarek H Nasrallah, Fahmy S Abdelhaleem, Mohamed E Basiouny
- Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018; 2(1):45-50
- [Full Article PDF] (238 downloads)
- A Feasibility Study on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Replacing Cement with Animal Bone Powder
- Nadia Nasser Rashid Al-Bahri, Cornelius Kanmalai Wiliams, Eman Muhye Adeen Muhye Adeen Al-Hatali
- Saudi Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018; 2(1):51-61
- [Full Article PDF] (317 downloads)