Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume-1: Issue-3 (Jul-Sep, 2016) 

The Effects of Using Nanomaterials to Improvement Soft SoilsZaid Hameed Majeed, Mohd Raihan TahaSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):58-63 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.1

 A prospective analysis of mechanical properties of different Ti-Nb alloy compositions: A reviewKapil Mittal, Dr. Prabhakar KaushikSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):64-68 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.2

 Energy Conservation and Management for Houses and Building in Oman-Case studyMiqdam T Chaichan, Hussein A KazemSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):69-76 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.3

 Simulation of a Project Area by Using Virtual Reality
Abdur Rahman, Ali Ahmed
Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):77-85 (Download PDF)
DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.4

 Effect of the Different Energy of Compaction on Subbse Course of RoadsSahar Abd Ali Al-KhafajiSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):86-91 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.5

 An Analysis on Geotechnical Properties of Soil with Different NanomaterialsZaid Hameed Majeed, Mohd Raihan TahaSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):92-104 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.6

 Spark Ignition Engine Performance When Fueled with NG, LPG and GasolinMiqdam T Chaichan, Jaafar Ali Kadhum, Khalid Sadiq RizaSaudi Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016; 1(3):105-116 (Download PDF)DOI: 10.21276/sjeat.2016.1.3.7