JASPE-Volume-2, Issue-4 (June, 2019)
- The Past and Present of a Phenomenon that Exists to the Same Extent as Emptying an Ocean with a Glass: Fraud and Corruption
- André Souza Torreão da Costa, Pedro Miguel Lopes Teixeira da Silva, Maria José da Silva Faria
- J Adv Sport Phys Edu, 2019; 2(4): 68-75
- [Full Article PDF] (269 downloads)
- Pathophysiology and Mechanism of Concussion
- Anthony Muchiri Wangui, David Kaniaru, Mary Wambui
- J Adv Sport Phys Edu, 2019; 2(4): 76-83
- [Full Article PDF] (262 downloads)
- Rating Non Elite Doubles Tennis Players
- Stephen R Clarke, Bruce Leister
- J Adv Sport Phys Edu, 2019; 2(4): 84-92
- [Full Article PDF] (252 downloads)