SIJAP-Volume-2, Issue-6 (June, 2019)
- Splenic Artery, It’s Branches and Variations
- Thanuja Ande, T Navakalyani
- Sch Int J Anat Physiol, 2019; 2(6): 227-232
- [Full Article PDF] (334 downloads)
- Congenital Ectopic Lower Lumbar Kidneys with Bilateral Malrotation and its Embryological Basis – A Case Report
- Satyanarayana N, Victor Anand David A, Aswinprakash S, Arulmoli R, Sunitha P
- Sch Int J Anat Physiol, 2019; 2(6): 233-236
- [Full Article PDF] (316 downloads)
- A Cross Sectional Study on Association between Sleep Quality and Body Mass Index in Medical College Students
- Lavanya Maturi, Uday Kumar B
- Sch Int J Anat Physiol, 2019; 2(6): 237-240
- [Full Article PDF] (277 downloads)