SJBMS-Volume-4, Issue-2 (Feb, 2019)
- Ingredient-Advertising Strategy: Does It Influence the Interest of Buying Host-Product?
- Anik Lestari Andjarwati, Rosa Prafitri Juniarti
- Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 2019; 4(2): 171-176
- [Full Article PDF] (475 downloads)
- Factors That Affect the Performance of Teachers Senior High School in the Area of Semarang Regency
- Soedjono, Heri Prabowo
- Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 2019; 4(2): 177-180
- [Full Article PDF] (401 downloads)
- The Characteristics of Top Management in Indonesia Manufacturing Company
- Erna Setiany
- Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 2019; 4(2): 181-189
- [Full Article PDF] (391 downloads)
- The Effect of Parent Attention and Discipline Congregational Prayers toward Student Achievement, Case Study: At Senior High School of Semarang
- Mashudi S. Ag, Bayu Kurniawan
- Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 2019; 4(2): 190-195
- [Full Article PDF] (494 downloads)
- Minimizing the Cost of Governance in Nigeria through Basic Accounting Education
- Akpanobong Uyai Emmanuel , Akpan Nsini
- Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 2019; 4(2): 196-201
- [Full Article PDF] (384 downloads)