SJAET-Volume-4, Issue-2 (Feb ,2019)
- Investigation of the Loss of Air Pressure in the Pipeline of the Сotton Pneumatic Conveying
- Kholmirzaev Farhod, Azimov Camadkhon, Abdurahimov Komiljon, Sarimsakov Olimjon
- Saudi J Eng Technol, 2019; 4(2): 23-27
- [Full Article PDF] (361 downloads)
- Success Factors of Information and Communication Technologies in Business Management: A Systematic Review of Literature
- Inclan Contreras Erick Geovanny, González Torres Arturo, Eligio Martínez Carrillo, Rodríguez Cuellar Ruth, Mendoza Montero Fátima Yaraset, Alfonso Ávila Pérez Tagle
- Saudi J Eng Technol, 2019; 4(2): 28-35
- [Full Article PDF] (369 downloads)
- Study of Environmental Properties of Rubber-nanocomposites Derived From Styrene-butadiene Rubber and Nano Carbon Black
- R. V. Mankar, W. B Gurnule
- Saudi J Eng Technol, 2019; 4(2): 36-44
- [Full Article PDF] (367 downloads)