Volume-2: Issue-2 (Mar-Apr, 2018)
- The Justifications for the Regulation
- Brahim Idelhakkar
- Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018; 2(2):45-48
- [Full Article PDF] (261 downloads)
- Share Prices Determinants in the Nigerian Stock Exchange
- OLOWE Sunday
- Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018; 2(2):49-56
- [Full Article PDF] (378 downloads)
- An Empirical Investigation into the Nexus between Agricultural Financining and Economic Growth in Nigeria
- KEJI Sunday Anderu
- Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018; 2(2):57-64
- [Full Article PDF] (295 downloads)
- An Analysis of the Barriers and Countermeasures of Sino-Latin American Economic and Trade Cooperation
- Hengxing Zhang, Yanqing Jiang
- Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, 2018; 2(2):65-69
- [Full Article PDF] (264 downloads)