SJHSS-Volume-4; Issue-10 (October, 2019)
- The Relationship between Emerging Forms of Bullying and Depression among Secondary Schools Students in Bungoma County, Kenya
- Jane Ingado Misigo, Dr. James Kay, Dr. Esther Kibor
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 635-639
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.001
- [Full Article PDF] (169 downloads)
- Challenges Faced by Teachers and Learners on Drug and Substance Abuse in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
- Richard Rono, Isaac Njuguna Kimengi and Felicity W Githinji
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 640-646
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.002
- [Full Article PDF] (104 downloads)
- Ideology, Power and Translation in Palestine
- Nadia Ali Khaleel Salous
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 647-651
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.003
- [Full Article PDF] (100 downloads)
- Reconstruction of Changes in Banking Regulation Policy to Legal Process and Housing Ministry (Housing Financing Liquidity Facility)
- Arum Widiastuti, Gunarto, Akhmad Khisni
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 652-664
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.004
- [Full Article PDF] (174 downloads)
- “The Evangelical Revival in Britain: The Foundation of the Church Missionary Society and its Early Work in the Muslim World”
- Nacera Mamache, Fatiha DANI
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 665-673
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.005
- [Full Article PDF] (119 downloads)
- Juridical Analysis of Law Protection of Industrial Design Owners in the Trade Sector in Indonesia
- Dr. Elpina, SH
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 674-677
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.006
- [Full Article PDF] (101 downloads)
- A Cross Sectional Analysis of Familial Alienation of Transgender: With Reference to District Swat-Pakistan
- Atta Ullah, Akhtar Ali, Younas Khan
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 678-683
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.007
- [Full Article PDF] (128 downloads)
- Interaction and Reciprocity of Space Law and Human Rights
- Vishwas Puttaswamy, Dr. Ramesh
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(10): 684-692
DOI: 10.36348/SJHSS.2019.v04i10.008
- [Full Article PDF] (98 downloads)