SIJLL-Volume-2; Issue-9 (November, 2019)

Research Article

  • The Impact of Negative Reduction on Negative Question in Semantic
  • Khalsiah
  • Sch Int J Linguist Lit, 2019; 2(9): 203-207
  • DOI: 10.36348/SIJLL.2019.v02i09.001
  • [Full Article PDF] (105 downloads)

Research Article

  • Towards an Integrative Approach for Teaching Creative Writing in Tertiary Institutions
  • Acheoah John Emike, Hamzah Abdurraheem, Jamilu Mohammed Magaji
  • Sch Int J Linguist Lit, 2019; 2(9): 208-215
  • DOI: 10.36348/SIJLL.2019.v02i09.002
  • [Full Article PDF] (109 downloads)