SIJTCM-Volume-2; Issue-7 (September, 2019)

Research Article

  • Effectiveness of Turmeric Mouthwash and Sodium Bicarbonate Mouthwash to Reduce Oral Mucositis among Patient Undergoing Radiation Therapy
  • Mr. P. Ruban David, Ms. K. Timple Shree
  • Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med, 2019; 2(7): 124-127
  • DOI: 10.36348/SIJTCM.2019.v02i07.001
  • [Full Article PDF] (120 downloads)

Research Article

  • To Access the Efficacy of Daivavyapashray Chikitsa-Chanting of Saurasukta on the Symptoms of Hypertension
  • Dr. Abhijit H Joshi
  • Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med, 2019; 2(7): 128-132
  • DOI: 10.36348/SIJTCM.2019.v02i07.002
  • [Full Article PDF] (110 downloads)

Research Article

  • Clinical Evaluation of ‘Chittasthirikaran Strotra’ in the Management of Manodvega
  • Dr. Abhijit H Joshi
  • Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med, 2019; 2(7): 133-140
  • DOI: 10.36348/SIJTCM.2019.v02i07.003
  • [Full Article PDF] (104 downloads)