SJEF-Volume-3; Issue-8 (August, 2019)

Research Article

Research Article

Research Article

  • The Effect of Profit Management on Corporate Value with Good Corporate Governance Mechanisms as Moderated Variables (Case Study in Property and Real Estate Companies Registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2017)
  • Wieta Chairunesia, Evy Sulistiyani
  • Saudi J Econ Fin, 2019; 3(8): 331-343

  • DOI:10.21276/sjef.2019.3.8.3
  • [Full Article PDF] (282 downloads)

Research Article

Research Article

Research Article

  • The Influence of Taxation Knowledge, Awareness of Taxpayers, and the Effectiveness of the Tax System against Taxpayer Compliance (Study on the Taxpayers of Private Entrepreneurs in the Cikarang Region)
  • Riani Chandra Dewi, Waluyo
  • Saudi J Econ Fin, 2019; 3(8): 358-365

  • DOI:10.21276/sjef.2019.3.8.6
  • [Full Article PDF] (251 downloads)