SJHSS-Volume-4, Issue-8 (August, 2019)
- Impact of Financial Sector Reforms on Agricutural Output in Nigeria, 1981 – 2016
- Agenson M. Eleojo and Eyo, Emmanuel O
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 430-535
- [Full Article PDF] (375 downloads)
- Influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Teaching and Learning Geography in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Adamawa State
- Dr. Fareo Dorcas Oluremi
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 436-542
- [Full Article PDF] (346 downloads)
- Foundations and Consequences of Spatial Injustice in Iran
- Mostafa Ghaderi Hajat, Mohammadreza Hafeznia
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 443-551
- [Full Article PDF] (364 downloads)
- Consumer Trust Model: The Impact of Satisfaction and E-Service Quality toward Repurchase Intention in E-Commerce
- Nanang Firmansyah, Hapzi Ali
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 452-559
- [Full Article PDF] (399 downloads)
- Examining the Influence of Physical Material Distribution on Service Delivery at the British Army Training Unit, Nanyuki, Kenya
- Robinson Ateya, Paul Gesimba, David Gichuhi
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 460-566
- [Full Article PDF] (331 downloads)
- The Role and Contribution of Sir Abubakar Saddiq III in the Economic Development of the Sokoto Province
- Tambari Abbas Bashar, Hussaini Usman Malami
- Saudi J Humanities Soc Sci, 2019; 4(8): 467-572
- [Full Article PDF] (329 downloads)