SJLS-Volume-4; Issue-10 (November, 2019)

Review Article

  • Impact of Climate Change on Honey Bee Population and Diseases with Special Reference to Fiji Islands
  • Sachchida Nand Rai, Kalivoa Ravuiwasa
  • Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 2019; 4(10): 335-339
  • DOI: 10.36348/SJLS.2019.v04i10.001
  • [Full Article PDF] (92 downloads)

Research Article

  • Assessing the Feasibility of Growing Some Imported Plants for Combating Desertification Using Matk and Rbcl Markers
  • Faten Dhawi, Sumayah I. Alsanie
  • Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 2019; 4(10): 340-345
  • DOI: 10.36348/SJLS.2019.v04i10.002
  • [Full Article PDF] (100 downloads)

Research Article

  • Effect of Salicylic Acid Sprays on the Performance of Fenugreek Grown with Graded Levels of Salinity
  • Firoz Mohammad, Mir Abdul Wajid, Mansoor Ahmad Bhat
  • Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 2019; 4(10): 346-354
  • DOI: 10.36348/SJLS.2019.v04i10.003
  • [Full Article PDF] (143 downloads)

Research Article

  • A Report on Multiple Births in Hanuman Langur (Semnopithecus Entellus) in and Around Jodhpur, Rajasthan
  • Goutam Sharma
  • Haya Saudi J Life Sci, 2019; 4(10): 355-359
  • DOI: 10.36348/SJLS.2019.v04i10.004
  • [Full Article PDF] (117 downloads)