SJEAT-Volume-4, Issue-7 (July, 2019)
- A Research on the Performance of Industrial Wastewater Emission Reduction in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei based on the Modified Kaya Identity
- Wei Qi, Jing Zhang, Ying Li
- Saudi J Eng Technol, 2019; 4(7): 259-266
- [Full Article PDF] (472 downloads)
- Shape and Texture Features based Human Action Recognition Using Collaborative Representation Classification
- Lasker Ershad Ali, Md. Zahidul Islam, Biplab Madhu, Md. Farhad Bulbul, Nazma Parveen
- Saudi J Eng Technol, 2019; 4(7): 267-273
- [Full Article PDF] (420 downloads)